Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Saphaan Sung 7.22.13

Hey family!
This week was legit business.  We met some money people.  Way money.  We had 9 people at church...5 of them were walk-ins that we taught after church was over.  5 walk-ins!  We were freaking out!  The eternal marriage family we met at the park couldn't come but this other family we recently met came (Their story is below).  One of the walk-ins now has a baptismal date and the others are all pretty stellar.  Even though many people we were expecting at church weren't there the Lord blessed us by guiding others to us.
We had so many people call us or approach us that are the elect of the Lord.  One man called us about church, we set an appointment to meet him Saturday.  When we met him the first thing he asked was what kind of ceremonies he had to do to be a member.  Yeah...we were stoked.  So we gave him a baptismal date for next month.  We had another lady call us Saturday night asking about church.  Unfortunately she couldn't come because she had to run to the hospital but she dropped by after for a frew moments.  Within 5 minutes, she had asked about baptism, E. Campbell had explained it and given her a date for August and made a new appointment.  It happened so fast I didn't even introduce myself before she had a baptismal date.  Nutshell of the week: Prepared people be poppin' up like daisies!  It's nuts.
The Burger Master:  E. Campbell and I were doing some Dan Jonesing (aka we talk to everyone we can and testifty of Christ for 2 hours) at a market right by our church.  I was chatting with a woman selling something when E. Campbell walks by and tells me we are following this lady.  Way confused, I finished chatting with the seller and followed him.  He told me this random lady was taking us to her sick friend so we could pray for him.  Still confused I followed.  We got to the house and had a nice chat with this old man, prayed for him and invited him to church.  Then the leading lady led us to her house.  We met her husband who is from Germany.  He runs a restaraunt from his house.  It's called the Burger Master.  He is hysterical.  We've been there twice now and each time we laugh until our stomachs hurt.  He is quite the character.  He bags on Thailand about everything.  He'll rant about something for a good 5 minutes and disappear inside the house for a few moments before bursting back outside and starting in on a new rant.  He is hilarious.  His kids are adorable too.  Anyway, long story short(er): we invited them to church and they came.  They really loved it.  The Burger Master (Andreas) loved talking to some other white people and the wife loved all of it.  Their kids were pretty funny too, one was dressed like lady gaga (cowboy boots, pink shorts, white fur vest).  Let's just say this family's presence made church twice as interesting.
Well life in Thailand is good.  Really good.  The only way it would be better is if the Capn' Crunch was cheaper and sold at 7-11.
I know through the Book of Mormon we find answers.  Through the Book of Mormon we come closer to God.  True story.  Don't forget to read it.
Much Love
elder m. riley creer
the only

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