Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Pictures 7.22.13

This is Pa Kiam.  He is old.  Real old.  He is also sassy.  Real sassy.  But he still reads his Book of Mormon.  He is practically blind.  
So he uses an jeweler's appraising glass to read.  
Yeah...he is one of my favorites.

 Some 7-11 lunch.  Healthy business.

 We spent Pday in Samut Prakarn with the elders there.  We hit up the croc farm.  Round two.  Yeah buddy.  But this time we fed em!  They give you a stick with meat dangling off it and let you fish for crocs.  Way fun.

Look at that mess!
 There was a YSA activity at our building.  The theme was Hawaiin.  If you had a grass skirt it meant you were single.  Don't worry, my companion and I didn't grab one.

 That man is from the Marquesas (questionable spelling).  He is in our branch and super funny.  
He taught the men his islands form the Hokka.

 It was the most hilarious thing ever watching them do the Hula

 Some of them were getting way into it.  We were dying.

 Brother Brian (the island man) did a fire knife dance...SO SICK! color me impressed.

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