Monday, July 8, 2013

Saaphaan Sung 7.8.13

Hey family!
Good news.  I have a new companion...sort of.  I'm now companions with E. Campbell...again.  Round 2 baby!  I was companions with him in Chiangmai for 1 move.  Now we are zone leaders together!  Super hilarious.  We joked about how we'd return to Chiangmai as zone leaders...I guess the Lord had another area in mind.
This week was pretty nuts.  Transfers always is.  Wednesday: E. Thomas had his dying interview in the morning, so we had to be in Asoke at 8.30am.  We were late (traffic was killer).  Then we had to rush back to our area so he could finish packing.  Then we had to head BACK to asoke for a zone leader training.  I was zagged out from all the taxi rides.  Thursday: Transfer meeting.  craziness.  We had to make sure our whole zone was taken care of, especially the new sisters in Saphaan sung (a sister who just finished training is now a trainer for a greenie).  We were helping them load their business in a taxi when they realized they lost the keys.  Yikes.  We searched and searched.  Then we searched some more.  I was getting tired of searching so I pulled E. Campbell into a room and we prayed.  Then she found them.  God is in the details.  Friday: Missionary Leadership Council asoke.  We had to be there at 8.00am.  Luckily a pancake, egg and sausage breakfast was provided.  Now we're talking.  Basically this week was full of taxi rides and meetings. 

I have learned that taxi rides are the most draining part of missionary work.  As soon as you get in that bad boy, the drowsiness seeps in like a contagious disease.  When you finally bust out, you are more exhausted than before.
Today: While coming back from lunch, I asked the taxi driver what he thought happens when we die.  He blew up.  Before I asked, he was a calm human being, silent and relaxed.  The question leaves my lips and he transforms into a cyclone of atheism.  He tirades about how there is no hell or heaven because planes have flown over the clouds and never seen heaven or God.  He didn't give us a chance to speak.  So we listened to him rant from how religion was created by man to how the government was suppressing Thai people with awful oil prices.  It was like a bomb blew up behind the steering wheel.  We got out of his cab and lost it.  We laughed hysterically.  I love Thailand and the people I meet.
I know Jesus Christ lives.  He died for our sins.  For our weaknesses.  For our pains.  For our sorrows.  He rose from the dead.  I know it.  I love him for it.
Much Love family.  What's our house look like again?  Do we have a home phone number?
Peace and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Elder M. Riley Creer
The Only

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