Thursday, November 29, 2012

Riley pictures 11.26.12

 E. Schad rocking the knit sweater vest. He is just too classy.

 This is a soap bottle...that is promising me more happiness and fashion. I love Thailand.

 Feliz navidad! (with translation)

The Christmas decorations are up!

 Our journey to find Laos: P-day. We made a plan to go to the friendship bridge between Laos and Thailand. E. Tzanis and I were going to meet the other elders there after they dropped off their groceries. They decided to stay at home and sleep. So we went anyway. That's the bridge in the distance.

  We're So Far Away...from Laos (Subtle song quote). After a longer than expected bike ride we saw a crazy toll gate with growling guards (exaggeration? Yep.) and decided it wasn't worth it. So we stopped by this sign and captured the moment of our failed journey. Maybe next time we'll actually get on the bridge.

With our P-day coming to an end as the sun dropped below the horizon we decided to go fishing instead. We made a quick stop at a market to acquire a fishing pole, some hooks, and some pork sausage balls and found a nice spot on the river to drop our line. Apparently fish hate the pork sausage creations even more than we do because we didn't catch anything.

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