Monday, November 19, 2012

Nongkhai 11.19.12

Dear Family,

What's up?!
Questions: Sorry I didn't answer your question mom, I just need contacts. I can get solution here. As for turkey, probably not. I don't know if Thai people know what a turkey is...let alone eat them. Maybe we'll splurge and go to pizza company. Pepperoni is close to turkey right? The language is coming ok. I can understand most of what people say, unless they are speaking a lot of Isaan or just straight Lao then I'm done for. People seem to understand me too so that's pretty good. I'm definitely not pro, I still make mistakes when I speak or mess up some words. But for the most part, the language is going pretty well. 

This week was pretty good. We had a mission tour meeting in Udornthani, and then district conference right after. Elder Watson of the Seventy and Asia area presidency came. He is pretty funny. But I learned a lot about how important the Book of Mormon is in missionary work. I haven't been using it to the fullest in my teaching. The Book of Mormon isn't meant to be something we can use to spice up a lesson or as an optional side dish. The Book of Mormon has the fullness of the Restored Gospel, so it needs to be the main course of my teaching. They emphasized a sentence in Preach My Gospel that says the Book of Mormon with the Spirit is our greatest tool in conversion. If we read the Book of Mormon accompanied by the Spirit with Investigators, they will have to fight to stay out of the font. The Book of Mormon is marvelous.

Oh no moment: E. Barfuss got back from the mission tour meeting Saturday night. The investigator we had planned to meet wasn't free. Backup plan: Soapbox. We went to a market not far from our house with the intent of soapboxing. Looking back I realize we didn't think this plan all the way through...yikes. But we get there and scope the place out looking for a good spot to post up and preach the gospel. We couldn't find a good one. We decided we'd bring something along to stand on next time (aka a box) and just talk to the people by the scooter lineup. After talking to this cool cat, I turn around and see a pullcart. My mind instantly flashed back to the picture in PMG of Dan Jones standing on a too-similar-to-be-coincidence-looking cart preaching the gospel. Perfect. This was it. I told E. Barfuss to stand on one side so it didn't move as I stood on the other and valiantly proclaimed salvation. We mounted the cart. It started moving. A thai lady started yelling. Everyone else began staring. I got off. E. Barfuss regained his balance as the cart came to a rest. I handed him the Book of Mormon and told him to go for it. The thai lady is still yelling. He says, "We teach about..." The thai lady is still yelling to get off her cart. So he gets off and we peace out. In the end, we soapboxed 3 words. "We teach about!" Talk about a cliffhanger. I bet there are twenty people who have been wondering what it is that we teach about all weekend. They just have to wait until the next episode.

Well I love you all tons!! Life is good. Thailand is amazing.

Much Love

Elder M. Riley Creer
The Only

When your companion is holding a picture of President Faust and asks, "Who is this guy?" #thathurtstheteam
#NextPdayactivity: Make a paper airplane. Fly it to Laos.

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