Tuesday, February 7, 2012

MTC 2.7.12

Sawadii! that is hello in Thai.

This week has been pretty sweet. Tons of fun. Some days are crazy hard and some days go so fast. Lately I have been sick... no bueno. An elder in my district was sick last week and now half my district is sick. It stinks. Our room is full of sniffles and tissue boxes. The Thai is coming along. Last night we taught our new investigator. His name is Beer (apparently it is all the rage to give your kid strange nicknames in Thailand). I said the opening prayer before we taught and almost lost it when I thanked Heavenly Father for Beer. It was funny. But while we were teaching, Beer asked what the priesthood was and without looking in a dictionary or our Thai teaching books I answered his question! I mean it was a one sentence answer, but still it was kind of exciting. It is amazing how much the Lord helps us learn Thai. This week we started learning the actual Thai script (so far we have been using this awkward in between stuff called phaasaa Elder (because only Elders can read it)). There are so many letters! I didn't think it was possible to have more than 5 vowels...boy was I wrong. Its pretty nuts. But parts of it are really cool!

So last night we had a rap battle in our room. Two elders wrote raps yesterday and they battled it out while I threw down the beat. It was hilarious. Most of the lyrics involved marrying another elder's younger sister. We were dying. Probably the best night yet. My district is pretty sweet. We have a good time.

answers to your question:
My favorite thing to eat is cereal...psych! The tater (tator?) tot casserole was pretty tasty. But I ate some fruit and it made my throat and mouth itchy...so I have come to the conclusion that I am legitimately allergic to all fruit.
There are no sisters in my district. But the other Thai district that got here the same day as us has 3 sisters (did I already tell you this?).
Yes I have used my camera (mainly to record that rap battle)
Realtalk, I had to change my tie. But I think I have enough conservative ties to last me through the MTC.

hashtag time:
"I'm a princess." #ohboy
"I feel an emptiness inside without classical music...I think I am going through music withdrawals" #ifLMFAOcountsasclassicalthenditto
"I can't do more than a mile" #youare19not97

Well I love you guys. Thanks for the letters! Our family...ROCKS!

Much Love,
Elder M. Riley Creer
The Only

P.S. Dad, how do I shine shoes? I attempted to shine them today but don't know if I did it right...

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