Wednesday, February 15, 2012

MTC 2.14.12

Sawadii Khrab! (hello)

The MTC is sublime. It is too much fun. Yes, Mom we have had pizza
night...twice. Pretty sweet huh? Well not really. The pizza looks like its a
day old. And the cafeteria employees just grab random boxes and throw em out there, so you may wait 5 minutes in a line and get to the pizza box only to find that it is some vegetarian business. It is stressful, you have to choose your line wisely. It is like the russian roulette of pizza.

That's sweet my Thai Book of Mormon came! Are you guys going to learn Thai so you can read it? Or are you going to send it to me? :)

My district made some intense goals this past week. By February 29th we
are going to speak in Thai 100%. If we say something, it will be in Thai.
#MightBePullingAHelenKellerThatDay. But we are also reading the entire Book of Mormon by then. Its really cool, every day during personal study our room is completely quiet because we all get sucked in to the Book of Mormon. If books were vaccuums, the Book of Mormon would be a Dyson because it never loses its suction. Random analogies aside, we are all working our hearts out to reach these goals. How would Dad say it? "No Holds Barred."

As for pictures, I found out that i can't attach pictures to my emails here
because the computers are weird. But I'll send the memory card home soon.
Don't fret!

On Sunday Elder Gibbons was called to be the new zone leader in our
branch. He is so charitable, so it makes since why the Lord would want him as a Zone Leader. He is a good missionary. He really listens for the Spirit. It is cool.

So yesterday, E. Gibbons and I taught a lesson to our "investigator" named
Suuphot. It was probably the best lesson we have had. We taught very simply, but powerfully. I was able to understand just about everything he was saying. Usually we just smile and nod and pretend we understand all of what they are saying, but yesterday I was actually comprehending it! It was the coolest feeling. And to add tot he excitement, I was able to say what I wanted to say without reading it out of my notes or one of the many language books we have. The Spirit definitely helped us, because there is no way I could improve that much in the space of a day. The Lord truly helps missionaries learn the language. It is great.

Well thanks for all the letters and goodies. I love you...Lots.

Sawadii Khrab! (it also means goodbye...and good morning...and
hello...basically you say it all the time)

Elder M. Riley Creer
The Only

#thepuppetcollectionisgrowing #shouldibeworried
#twopackagesinoneday #holleratyourboy #WellLoved

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