Tuesday, February 28, 2012

MTC 2.28.12


How is the outside world? Any crazy news?

The MTC is fabulous. This week went by crazy fast. Our PhiiThais (phii=older) left yesterday, so now my district and our twin district are the oldest missionaries in our branch (WOOHOO!). Next week a new thai group is coming in, but I think there will only be 7 of them.

So on Sunday I was called as the new zone leader (the old one was a thai elder that left yesterday). Basically it just means I get/have to attend more meetings on Sunday (less study time :( ) and welcome in the new missionaries to our branch (SCORE!). It is pretty cool being a zone leader with my companion though, it was sort of awkward when E. Gibbons would have to go do zone leader stuff and I had to tag a long with another companionship #ihatethirdwheelinit. But that is really all the exciting news I have...Psych! I just remembered more. On Sunday I was able to finish the Book of Mormon. I read it in 18ish days. It was awesome! I have a newfound appreciation for the Book of Mormon. Our teachers encouraged us to read with a question in mind...so I did. And my questions were answered! Sometimes within 3 or 4 verses they were answered! The Book of Mormon seriously has all the answers to every question we have whether it is gospel based or what you should study in school.

#SlightlyHumorousStory: The other day we were practicing some teaching within our district. We had 3 minutes to introduce the Book of Mormon and tell the investigator how they could receive revelation through it. Well E. Gibbons and I were teaching and it was going alright...and then I heard Bro. Jenkins say 5 seconds left. #Nuts. We hadn't even told him how it could help him receive revelation. So with 3 seconds on the clock (there wasn't really a clock) I quickly said "dooy phrakhampii mccmccn phi dayrab kaanpoodphooy. Phi ca aan." (that translates to "through the book of mormon you receive revelation. You will read.") I slapped the Book of Mormon on his desk and fist pumped like a champ. E. Tatton (our investigator) was in shock. He didn't even know what happened. It was pretty funny. So when all is said and done, I'd say I am a pretty effective teacher #sarcasm.

I have a dream #MLKvoice. This week I had a bizarre dream. I was in a school. I was alone. And I was being chased by a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Don't fret though, dreamriley survived the encounter. Any interpretations for my dream are most welcome.

#OtherCoolNews: I can read script...mostly. So one of our district goals was to learn to read the Thai script (this stuff: กาหดส) and I can do it! It is amazing how much the Lord helped me, 3 weeks ago I had no idea what any of the letters were. Now I can read the scriptures! It takes me 5 minutes per verse (I'm hoping to get down to 2mpv soon) and I only know 1/4 of the words but hey, beggars can't be choosers. This week we also received our Thai triples (the fancy leather bound type) #thaiswag. They are pretty snazzy. Everyone was trippin out about it. #ElderGibbonshasnttakenhisoutoftheplasticwrapstill

So my favorite scripture this week is Moroni 6:4. The part I like most is the last phrase about how Christ is the author and finisher of our faith. I'm not sure what it means but I love it. I think it might mean how faith is a gift from Christ. Perhaps the Finisher part is referring to how faith without Christ is incomplete. I don't really know. Your thoughts on this verse are welcome.

My comp tried to flex on me...#ithoughthewashavingaseizure

Love you tons!
Elder M. Riley Creer
The One and Only

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