Sunday, January 19, 2014

Asoke 1.19.14

Hey family!

No I haven't got a suit cut yet.  I'm debating which tailor to go to.  I'm considering this one place that is more expensive but I feel like the guy knows what he is doing and is more trustworthy than the other places.  What do you think?  We're talking like 8000฿...

On to more important news: Pla got baptized last week!  woohoo!  She shared a great testimony afterwards.  Solid.

Today Pu was baptized.  And S. Gai.  And 9 other people!  Our district had 11 baptisms today.  Because of school stuff Pu had to be baptized before church at noon but the other 10 were baptized after at 2:30ish (we had a shortened meeting schedule due to political demonstrations(don't worry I'm safe)).  It was crazy.  So much white.  We organized it so every elder in the district baptized at least one person.  Nutshell: it was a great Sunday.

This week was fast.  E. Harris and I exchanged companions in 3 areas this week: Srinakharin, Ayuthaya, and Bangkhen.  Super fun.  Exchanges are a blast.  Especially when you go inviting for most of them.  We invited for hecka dayz this week and most of it was in other peoples' areas.  I love inviting.  We talk to as many people as possible, explain baptism as simply as possible to those who listen, and ask if they want to be cleansed from sin.  We get rejected a lot.  But then we meet that one person who is ready, that wants to wash their sins.  It makes the rejection all worth it.

The work here in Thailand is hastening.  The Lord is blessing us immensely.  Just yesterday we met a new investigator who is friends with a recent convert.  She used to go to a Christian school but felt that God had abandoned her.  While we were teaching her she realized that she was the one who abandoned God.  She wants to be baptized.  As we were teaching I had this feeling that she could be baptized on the 26th but second guessed it thinking maybe it is too fast.  Well E. Harris didn't, he invited her to be baptized next Sunday and she committed.  So we immediately started teaching commandments to help her begin the repentance process.  She is first-rate.  And her name is Bowling, which is a bonus.  The Lord is working along side us everyday.

I know the Book of Mormon is indeed God's word.  It is a sacred book.  When I read it I am filled with the Spirit.  I feel secure as I read, confident that the path I am walking is the right one.  The one that leads to eternal happiness, eternal progression.  It is all about perspective.  Obedience and perspective.  Thinking of the big picture makes the little obedience all the more important.  Christ lives.  Obeying His commandments and following His gospel is the only way to Heaven.  I know it.

Much Love

Elder M. Riley Creer
The Only

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