Monday, October 14, 2013

Ubon 10.14.13


How are you family?

This week has been awesome.  Last Monday, in my letter to president I told him that we would get balanced key indicators this next week.  I had no idea how we would do it.  Well...we did.  Heavenly Father helped.  A lot.  (Balanced key indicators is 2 baptismal daters, 2 investigators at church, 2 new investies and 10 lessons (member combined with recent convert/Less active)).  The first two weeks I was here our area was pretty dead.  Alright, real dead.  But with the use of a defibrillator (aka a zone-wide fast) and some help from God our area is alive and breathing.

Saturday.  We still didn't have any baptismal daters.  Oh boy.  We prayed together that morning asking God to help us get some daters.  During the first session of conference we received a text from the Asoke zone leaders in the BKK.  One of their daters had moved to Ubon.  OH BABY!  God had literally sent us a dater...via text message.  What a Champ He is.  We continued to watch conference.  After the Saturday afternoon session the Redd's (the senior couple here) invited us to go visit someone they had been teaching.  They wanted to invite him to be baptized.  When we arrived and exchanged the normal pleasantries (whatever that means) he asked about being cleansed from sin.  Perfect.  We taught about baptism and invited him to do it.  He accepted a date for the end of the month.  Yeah buddy.  We prayed for miracles and God gave them to us.

Sunday.  The miracle we prayed for that morning was that 2 of our investigators would go to church.  We headed to the church and waited for the Sunday morning session to start.  5 minutes before go time, in walked one of our investigators with her 2 kids.  YES.  Well the Lord wasn't going to stop there.  Before the Sunday afternoon session started a brother and his wife strolled into church with some friends.  They brought a family of 4 with them!  So after the session we taught them and invited them to be baptized.  They didn't say yes, but asked to discuss it together.  We are meeting them again on Tuesday.  I'm confident they'll be baptized next month.

Other miracles: A girl named Shampoo who has been coming to church for a while decided to be baptized before the Redd's go home.  A total of 16 investigators came to watch conference in Ubon this weekend.

Nutshell:  Fasting and prayer work.  We prayed for miracles.  We fasted for the whole zone to make their baptismal goal.  Our Father in Heaven took noticed and took action.  What a great Father He is!  He really loves us.

Well I love you all a bunch!  Keep praying, reading and serving.  That is how we stay happy and strong.

Peace out you bunch of scallywags.

Elder M. Riley Creer

The Only Zone Leader who is tallest in his family but still under 5' 8"

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