Monday, August 12, 2013

Pictures 8.12.13

 We helped 2 older woman in the branch move some stuff out of this house.  It got thrashed by the flood that hit a year and a half ago.  Most of the furniture was in pretty bad condition...aka I would have thrown almost all of it away.  And yes, that outhouse is sank into the swamp. 

  That hurts the team.  We saw this havoc and had to take a pic.  A member lives in that building (amazingly, he wasn't home at the time).  Everyone was trippin out about it.

 New perspective.  The crane folded around the building.  Nuts, huh?  I don't think anyone was injured.

Today is mother's day in Thailand (love you mom!).  Yesterday after sacrament meeting the young women sang a thai song (way cool) and then all the moms sat in chairs as their kids kneeled and gave them flowers.  It was cool to see the love for moms.  I had to choke back some tears (I guess I really am related to Dad).

We were leaving the hospital (E. Campbell had an ingrown toenail removed) when I saw these champs washing the pavement with that monster.  I asked if I could have a turn.  
It was an uncontrollable beast!  

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