Monday, May 27, 2013

Saphaan Sung 5.27.13

Hello Family.  That I love.

So big news...I have a new companion...again.  There was a post-transfer mini transfer when the new missionaries came into country.  E. Lim was moved to Roi Et and E. Thomas' expected greenie didn't come yet for health reasons.  So now E. Thomas and I are companions.  There are just two of us in our apartment.  We have 3 bathrooms.'s pretty deluxe.

This week we had a big meeting at President Senior's house with all the other zone leaders and the new sister training leaders.  It was sweet.  President gave us the direction that Elder Andersen wants us to take in Thailand.  He wants us to focus on the youth more and really strengthen them and deepen their conversion to Christ.  So we created a youth FHE in sapaansung!  Woohoo.  It'll be stellar.  At the meeting it was fun to see the other zone leaders from all over Thailand...and eat the great food (home-baked cookies almost as good as my mom's?  I was all over that mess).

Yesterday we also had a meeting with the stake presidency and the other zone leaders in the stake (E. Davies (from the MTC) and E. Tzanis (the letter stealing Australian)).  It was pretty interesting to see things from the Stake side, the issues they are facing and their goals.  Being a missionary has really given me a new perspective on the church and building the kingdom of God.  Before, none of this stuff even crossed my mind!  I never thought about the number of priesthood advancements in the upcoming stake conference or the plans to open a new branch or what we can do to help members apply the Apostle's advice.  Nutshell: My mind is being blown.

The game:  Back up to Thursday.  E. Lim just found out he was moving so we were doing some last minute laundry.  The laundry machines are down on the side of our apartment building (we are on floor 3).  He and E. Thomas used up all the Vanish (bleach powder really similar to Oxy clean).  As we were walking back to the elevator we saw the sisters' bikes and decided to leave the empty Vanish can in one of their baskets as a surprise gift.  Fast forward to later that day after district meeting.  As the sisters were leaving the church we hear them toss something down the hall.  It was the Vanish can.  With a scorecard and a taunting message about how the game had begun.  Fast forward to that night.  We were at the Branch President's house for dinner.  We asked his wife to give the Vanish can to the sisters for us.  We added an equally taunting message ("Get on our level") and some points to our side of the scorecard.  We thought we had won.  Game over.  They can't top that.  Boy were we wrong.  The next day the sisters had a baptism.  President Senior randomly showed up to the baptism.  After the service was over he tells E. Thomas and I that he has a box for us.  We follow him out to his car and are given this fairly heavy box all taped up tight.  We go inside and open it.  Inside is the Vanish Can with a new score.  We were stunned.  Jaws dropped.  How did they do it?  Who knew dropping an empty bleach can in a sister's bike basket would start such a crazy game.  Wow.

Well I love you all.  The church is true!  Christ lives.  I heard His Apostle bear witness of it.

Elder M. Riley Creer
The Only

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