Monday, May 20, 2013

Saphaan Sung 5.20.13

Hey Family!

So lowkey I met an Apostle of Jesus Christ yesterday...and Saturday.  Yeah it was amazing.  The Sunday meeting that was open to everyone was held in this WAY Hi-so convention hall.  I felt like a business executive just walking in there (now I just need the suit to match...then I'll be Poppin' My Colla').  Elder Andersen said that a temple in Thailand is not a matter of if but when.  We were stoked.  He said in order for Thailand to have a temple they need to have enough Thai members to take care of the temple.  Basically all we need is more temple covenant keeping members that pay their tithing.  He also talked a lot about being a witness of Jesus Christ.  He said we are lucky to be in this mission because we get to talk about Jesus Christ all day with people that know little about Him.  We should testify in all we do of His merits, mercy and grace.  It was a great 2 days.

The Oh Boy Business:  I moved, have a new companion, and am a new zone leader.  Oh nuts.

Because the whole mission was at the missionary meeting with Elder Andersen on Saturday they decided to make that a transfers day.  It was mayhem.  In the end of the fray (I mean day) I came out with an envelope with a paper slip telling me the deets.  I have moved to Saphaan Sung, which is more central eastern Bangkok.  My companion is Elder Lim, but right now we are in a three-o until E. Thomas' new ลูก comes into Thailand.  E. Thomas is the other zone leader (yeah it is a split zone leader deal, we live in the same house but have junior companions).  Pray for me yeah?

My new companion (I feel like I go through this every 6 weeks...): Elder Lim is just finishing his training.  He is Korean but raised in the states.  He plans on joining the Marines and has the muscles to prove it.  He is pretty hilarious.  It'll be a fun transfer แน่้นอน!

Well sorry about the brevity, but I love you LOTS!

Elder M. Riley Creer
The Only

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