Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Christmas from My Camera's Perspective

Christmas! It's the best time of year. Literally.  Here is a timeline of my holiday with my family based on the pictures I took.  Some of the captions may or may not be fabricated.
 First we witnessed an oil spill in a local Walmart parking lot. The damage was extensive. Luckily Walmart shoppers banded together to save the affected birds, fish and sea lions. Animal activists held demonstrations in the parking lot for the rest of the week.

 We also got some gas over this holiday break. Thrilling experience.

 Here my dad and sister can be seen doing meticulous work with their hands. What they are doing is still a mystery. Maybe next time the photographer will include their work in the shot. Maybe not.

 We took surprise family photographs. Only Katie got the memo. Sam and I didn't even show up for the shot.
 We seemed to get this one right. I was still MIA.

My favorite part of the holiday is when we all tried to strike the same pose on the climbing wall. I failed pretty miserably.

 We also took out of focus glamour shots. "This is looking really good."
 We even tried to make it look like Sam was a ghost.
 Then we laughed about it.
 Of course, Christmas wouldn't be complete without a giant pile of wrapping paper. Our mail may be in that pile too somewhere.
To finish off our holiday we marveled at how our roof could just disappear overnight. Simply amazing!

There you have it. That is how my family spent Christmas vacation. Well, sort of.

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