Saturday, March 22, 2014

That hurts the team...

This past Wednesday I went skiing.  I couldn't wear my glasses (it's a long story that is actually very boring).  I'd been skiing twice without my glasses and had no problems so I thought Wednesday would be the same.  Well it wasn't.  First run of the day we go into this bowl area littered with moguls and other hazards.  I decided the safest thing would be to follow right behind my brother.  So off we go.  Sam is a marvelous skier.  I'm only half marvelous.  So naturally he pulled farther ahead of me and disappeared around this grove of trees.  I zoomed around the trees trying to catch up and was knocked flat on my back.  I literally didn't see it coming.  Pause.  Rewind....Stop.  Now play in slow motion.  I came around the trees and caught a glimpse of an orange rope.  It was too late to react.  The rope caught me by the neck and threw me to the ground.  Laying there, I felt like an idiot.  I cautiously made my way to the lift where Sam was waiting.  Trying to shrug it off I told him I just got clotheslined by a boundary rope.  He laughed.  I was ready to go sit in the lodge, drinking hot cocoa as I waited for Sam and his friend to be done skiing.  But I didn't quit.  I kept skiing.  And the day turned out to be absolutely awesome!

Lesson Learned: When you get knocked flat by something you didn't see coming, don't quit!  Because it honestly can't get any worse.

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