Saturday, November 23, 2013

Asoke 11.23.13

Hello Family.

You guys rock.  Except for all your trunky comments.  You're killing me smalls.  But I still love you!

Last Sunday was Looy Gratong (the floating lantern business).  Before you get all excited and expect an epic photo of lanterns shooting up into the sky you should know they don't allow lanterns to be sent up in Bangkok.  Bummer times 10 I know.  I guess it just means I'll have to come back someday and take that epic photo.  Despite the lack of lanterns, we went to a park in our area where they were letting off some candle boats.  It wasn't as sweet as I thought it was going to be, maybe because the park's pond didn't have a current so the boats just floated there until the candle went out.  I got some pro status photos though (Get on my level, Sam and Katie).  The festival turned out to be a stellar inviting opportunity.  We had a giant sign with a picture of baptism, some hymnals, loads of baptism pass-along cards, and 12 missionaries.  I got rejected by almost everyone.  Gotta love it.  At the end of the night though, we found some excellent potentials (one of which we met the other day...keep reading for that story).  It was a blast.  I love declaring repentance.

Thursday.  We headed out to meet that potential family from the park.  We met them at the market where they sell plants and stuff.  We asked if we could sit down with them and share more about Christ.  They accept and the dad starts laying newspaper out on the ground for us to sit on.  Score.  So after talking for a few minutes we realize they need to hear about eternal families.  We told them they could be together forever as a family, never to be separated, and that baptism was the first step.  Then E. Davies turns to me and whispers, "There's rats."  I looked up and saw this foot-long rodent trudging behind the family.  Oh boy.  Trying my best to not look at the rodent invasion, we kept teaching.  Well I kept teaching.  E. Davies was a goner.  He was a little to my left and said he could see tons of em.  Apparently he had a bad experience as a child so he couldn't really focus, something about rats and Cheetos bag (I may or may not have just made that up).  Needless to say we kept the lesson short.  The dad, named Neung (1), will come to church with us on Sunday.  Yeah Buddy.

Most of this week was spent preparing for Mission Tour next week.  Elder Wilson in the Asia Area Presidency is coming to visit.  Next week will be full of early morning flights, long meetings, free lunches and heaps of spiritual enlightenment.  You could say I'm pretty excited.

Much Love

Elder M. Riley Creer

the only elder with a suit that says "the only" on the inside

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