Monday, April 15, 2013

Pictures 4.15.13

 World's Largest (Self-proclaimed?)

 Yeah they exist...#onlyinThailand

 Yes its a real croc and he's not dead. He started getting antsy when I squatted down I thought I was a goner.

This little guy saw a lady with a sprite can. So he held this cup out through the fence for her to fill up. She did. He couldn't get it back through without it spilling so he used the straw and slurped it down. When it was gone I held the cup out again expecting her to refill it but she was out of Sprite. He tossed the cup and walked away. #planetoftheapesherewecome

  What's up?

 She plopped this guy on my lap and he kissed me on the cheek! #whoatherebudwejustmet

I feel like this photo sums up E. Terry's personality. 
 Power Stance: Ancient technique

 See that fish tail? Yeah I ate that. #getonmylevel

 Out with the old.

In with the new.

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