How are you all?!
The snow storm in Boston sounds nuts! Word on the street is that they had
some snow in Chiangrai. Nongkynonks has been crazy hot this week though. No
snow here. I love you too mom and I always remember. Just a suggestion. Sam, remember
when we skied the Canyons backcountry with Wonnacott and you lost your ski?
Remember how we searched forever and never found it? Yeah...just keep that it
mind when you hit up Jupiter's Bowl :)
This week rocked! On Saturday, 4 people were baptized! The 2 girls on the
left are S. Muay's daughters (she is far left in the purple dress). The other
little girl is B. Aat's daughter (she is 8). The 4th person is B. Baw (sitting
in the chair). It was a way sweet service and most of the branch went (about
40). Fa and Frong (the 2 daughters) asked me to baptize them. So I said yes.
Then I remembered I was a rookie, aka I'd never baptized anyone. I had to find
my baptismal pants, wipe the dust off them, and see if they still fit. I was
lowkey nervous. That's a lie. I was way nervous! The baptismal prayer isn't
too difficult in Thai but their last name was a monster! We're talking 4
syllables here people. And it was a tongue twister too (alliteration!) with
multiple d's and g's. I made it part of my language study that morning to
practice it. It went great though, no floating skirts or protruding toes.
Baptizing B. Baw was an adventure. The font here has a staircase up instead of
a staircase down (aka it's above ground), so he had to be carried up and lowered
into the font by 3 or 4 men. Then they asked me to stand in the font with him
and B. Turdsak (yes that is his real name) and support him as he was baptized.
It was good though. Basically Saturday rocked!
Other business: zone meeting. It was pretty stellar. It was perfect for
me. For a while I have been wondering how to use this form that the mission
asks us to use with new converts and less actives. The whole meeting was about
how to use the form. MONEY. We hit up Swensen's again as a zone. It was some
tasty business.
This week I was reading in D&C 100:5-8. It is a pretty inspirational
passage. I really tried to break it down though. I really love verse 7, I feel
like it tells us exactly how to declare the gospel in order to have the Holy
Ghost bear witness of the things we say. First, we must declare it in the name
of Christ. Second, in solemnity of heart. Third, in the spirit of meekness. I
wasn't sure what solemnity meant so I followed a footnote journey and learned
that it basically means we aren't lighthearted. I think having solemnity of
heart means we realize the importance of what we teach and also have the proper
reverence as we teach it and also when we don't teach it. This study also
helped me learn what I need to do to serve with my eye single to the glory of
God. I don't remember where but somewhere in the scriptures I learned that we
need to purify ourselves in order to serve with a single eye. So in the end, it
all comes down to obedience. If we obey and are clean, we can serve with an eye
single to the glory of God. Also the Spirit will bear witness of the truth of
what we say. "Obedience is key," Grandpa Bradley.
Well you all are great. I still love you! Don't forget to read your
scrips. Sammy, hit up Jdawgs for me. Thailand's hot dogs are bizarre (probably
because it is actually dog...). Peace.
Much Love,
Elder M. Riley Creer
The Only
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