Monday, August 13, 2012

Khon Kaen 8.13.12

Hello Family!

This week was pretty sweet. 2 of our investigators committed to be baptized in September. Sweet! One of em is this 18 year old girl named Mint (#realtalk) that is supreme. She's come to church 3 times already and is friends with B. Boom and S. Sour (her name literally means sour...). The other is named คำรณ (sounds sort of like Cameron). He is in his fifties and really wants to become christian. He says he's been Buddhist all his life and hasn't seen any help from it so he wants to try Christianity. He is super funny and way good at English. So yeah...that's what's up in Khonkaen. We had another investigator with a baptismal date but we haven't been able to get a hold of her for 3 weeks so...yeah we'll pray for her.

#yikesmoment: This morning we were riding to the internet place, all four of us, when disaster struck. Not really. But it was bad. E. Siriphan and E. Olive are always messing with each other on their bikes, slapping each other, pushing off each other, putting the other's kickstand down, all this crazy business. It is hilarious watching them and sort of miraculous that they don't collide and eat it. Well this morning it finally happened. E. Siriphan pushed off E. Heslop and so E. Heslop caught up to him and tried to pull him back by grabbing his back rack...well they collided...and ate it. It was nuts. E. Olive and I were watching them laughing and then two seconds later there is a heap of bodies and bicycles in the middle of the street. So after we extracted them from the rubble we headed back to the house and bandaged up E. Heslop's scrapes (ruined both shirt and pants). That was the drama of the morning.

E. Heslop and I were studying for one of our investigating families that doesn't keep any commitments. We were trying to figure out why it was so hard for this family to read and pray. We created this sweet analogy with the help of Preach My Gospel. PMG uses Lehi's dream to help us understand our purpose. We are to be guides along the path to the tree of life. We are to help people find the rod and take those first few steps on the path. When the people we teach keep commitments they move closer to the tree, the fountain of happiness. The closer they get to the tree the more happiness they have in their life. When they don't keep them they don't move forward but actually move backwards. Lehi forgot to mention it but actually the path is a downwards escalator. We have to keep moving foward always. When we stop we slide backwards and lose progress. Yep. This paragraph is sort of messy but I'm running out of time. Oh well. #Nutshell: Spiritual progression is like walking up a downwards escalator, you must keep moving forward to make it to the top.

Well this email is way short. Sorry. But I still love you!

Much Love.

Elder M. Riley Creer
The Only

E. Heslop sees a video of Sister Elaine Dalton talking to a group of girls and says, "Hey, the news lady!" #Classic

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