Monday, August 27, 2012

Chiang Mai 8.27.12

Dear Family,

Being senior companion isn't too bad. There have been times when I wasn't sure what to do but I listened for the Spirit and was able to figure it out. The Lord truly does help us out when we rely on Him. I still am lost in Chiangmai but am slowly figuring out where stuff is.

The Sisters had a baptism last night. Woohoo. 6 of our investigators were able to go and watch, so that was pretty sweet. One of them is a sister that should be getting baptized on the 8th of September, she is stellar.

Quick Story from Last Sunday: E. Wilamas and I are talking to some members in the hall after church when the other branch's Elders Quorum president comes over and asks me to translate in their priesthood meeting. I'm awful at translating...but I say yes anyway. So I go in there and start translating for the white guy (monitors nuclear treaties, has 5 degrees, super cool). It's basic stuff at first, "We'll open with a song on page... and Brother ____ will say the opening prayer." We make it through the announcements and stuff and I'm thinking all is well. Then the president hands the time over to the teacher...and the white guy stands up and says, "Ready to teach?" Ohhh Nuts. I thought I was just going to be translating/making up some other guy's lesson! So we go up there and start teaching. Luckily it was on sharing the gospel with friends and not something with ridiculous vocabulary like the parable of the 10 Virgins. I would have died. But with some help from the priesthood brethren and from above we were able to get through the lesson.

Saturday our branch had a dinner/fireside at the Branch President's house. It was potluck. He requested we make spaghetti. We did. It was #tastybusiness. People loved it. Yep. And you all thought I could only make toast (as if spaghetti is that much harder)

So I don't know if I told you about the walk-ins we had last week or not but they are supreme. Well one of them is at least. Her name is Warii. She and her friend just showed up to church last week. Well we taught them and got a return appointment. At the return appointment, Warii came and brought her Buddhist friend. We taught them the Plan of Salvation and made another appointment. The next time Warii brought her Buddhist friend and another Christian friend. We taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ and they all accepted baptismal dates. Then they all came to church the rain. In Thailand when it rains people don't go outside. They think if their head gets wet they will get sick. So the fact they came even in the rain is pretty amazing. Yep.

So this other guy in the internet place is freaking out. I think he may be having a seizure...seriously. He keeps twitching violently. He doesn't seem phased by it though, he just keeps on playing his game...#toomuchdedication. No one seems to be concerned about it either...maybe game overdoses are a common occurrence in Thailand.

Much Love

Elder M. Riley Creer
The Only

That awkward moment when you try and use a new word and you find out it isn't a word...#nuts
Sometimes when I iron my shirt I pretend I'm waxing my skis #makesironinglessboring

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