Monday, August 20, 2012

Chiang Mai 8.20.12


I got big news. I Chiangmai. #holleratyourboy. Chiangmai is in the northwest of Thailand at the foot of one of the only mountains in the country (may have just made that up). It is called 'heaven' by the missionaries. It rocks. My companion is E. Wilamas and he is Thai. Also he is on transfers 3 (i'm on 4 now) so that means I am senior companion which is #lowkey scary. Luckily he speaks thai and teaches like a boss so no worries.

On the real though, we argued last night and this morning (he is an international law arguing is a hobby for him). It was bad news (that fact that it was in Thai made it extra bad news). But don't worry, we realized that all this arguing just wasn't going to work. So we talked it out, man to man, elder to elder and realized that we both need to learn something from the other. We realized that we were put together for a reason. It was a good experience that I wish I didn't have to have. I wish I was humble enough to see these types of things up front.

So in a nutshell, Chiangmai rocks. There is at least one mountain. Score. It isn't near as hot as the rest of Thailand (or maybe the hot season is finally over...not sure). Double score. And they have zoos...with tigers...that you can pet...true story. Definitely going to hit that place up. But they recently split the branch here, so the work is sort of exploding.

Other news: I became english leader here. Apparently the ZL's heard I did good stuff in Khonkaen with the english program so they made me the english leader here hoping I would do the same. The only problem is I don't remember doing anything special in pray for me.

My birthday: It was great. We all went to Swensen's for ice cream (thanks mom and dad). I bought a sick hat (see pics) and bought a shirt that I later found out was too small for my broad muscular shoulders. But the Khonkaen members bought me a mini cake and some delicious donuts. It was a pretty sweet day full of rejoicing and laughter.

Spiritual Stuff: When I found out I was going to be senior companion with a khonthai (thai person) I was freaking out. I can't speak Thai. I still don't know what I'm doing. Chiangmai is a bigger branch than Khonkaen, I won't know what to do. All these things were racing through my mind. So I did what I learned in primary and from mom and poppa smurf: I prayed. I prayed a lot. And I read in the scriptures. I was comforted by 2 Nephi 32:5. If I listen to the Holy Ghost, it will show me what I need to do. I realized that this is an opportunity to grow and develop. It will still be hard, but I know that through faith and the Spirit everything will work out. Even though I don't understand everything that is going on the lessons, I will know what to say if I listen to the spirit. Yesterday, I saw We were teaching this lady that has been learning for a while with the Elders Quorum president and his wife. She was telling us about her old husband and why she couldn't get baptized yet. I understood about 60% of what she was saying but had a thought to share Moroni 7:33. I did. Boom. She started crying and the spirit flooded the room.

Life is good. I love you all and yes I got the packages. Thanks.

Elder M. Riley Creer
The Only

Twenty Years Old #ohboy #whathappenedtomychildhood
Chiangmai has a tiger kingdom...#LEGGO

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