Monday, September 10, 2012

Chiang Mai 9.10.12

Dear Family,

What's up?

Life is good.

Last Pday: We went on a tour of the mountain. It was sweet. We saw a crazy Buddhist temple, lots of flowers (Bhubing Palace), and a Hmong village. It was pretty sweet. The bad news: That morning I was down to eat pizza at this almost-Italian place but E. Wilamas wanted to eat isaan food. So we go eat the isaan food and then take care of some stuff and then go meet the zone leaders to hit up the mountain tour. Well we are just having a grand ol' time taking pictures in Hmong clothes when it hits. Digestion Devastation. I'm praying there is an actual bathroom at the next destination (the Buddhist temple) so I decide to endure the winding, curving, meandering car ride. It was the longest ride of my life. The entire time I thought my insides were going to explode. I prayed hard. REAL hard. So we get to the temple and I bail out of the truck and am walking/jogging to the bathroom. I'm frantically following signs that lead me to "the bathroom." I barely made it. Toilets? Don't have em. It was a glorified hole in the ground. Talk about a quad workout. Toilet Paper? Not a chance. Next thing I know, I'm missing a couple pages from my planner and a tourist map of the Bhubing palace. Lesson Learned: never eat isaan before you go on a mountain tour of places that don't have real bathrooms.

*Note to the Editor: Whether this is appropriate for the blog is up to your discretion.*
(The Editor deleted two sentences)

เดือน got baptized on Saturday. #holler The missionaries sang a special musical number for the baptismal service. Pre-mish, singing was never a strong point of mine...well it still isn't a strong point but now I don't as embarrassed. The best part was the confirmation on Sunday. She is Hmong (Like the people we went and visited last Pday) so she wore her authentic Hmong outfit. It was SICK. We took pictures so don't even worry. It was great to see her get baptized though, she is way solid. A bunch of our investigators were able to go too, so it was just a great all over the place.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to teach a Filipino man. It was awesome. It was a testimony to how the Lord prepares people to receive this gospel. He is in Chiangmai working to provide for his kids who live with his ex-wife. He leaves near a member of our branch (also Filipino) and talked a lot about the influence she has on him. He said that whenever he is around members of the church he gets this feeling that won't go away. He said it bothers him, it keeps him up at night, it makes him want to learn more. It was amazing to hear him describe the way the Spirit is working in his life to lead him out of the darkness of sin into the light of the gospel. #epicsentence. He was so sincere, the spirit was so strong in the room. It was incredible. The Lord truly does prepare His children to hear the gospel and leads them to it.

Much Love,

Elder M. Riley Creer
The Only

No elephant rides today...the brother who trains them is sick. #NUTS
Made mac and cheese yesterday #tastybusiness. Felt like home #Amurrica.

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