Monday, September 24, 2012

Chiang Mai 9.24.12

Hey Family,

This week was great. This morning I went and played with tigers. True Story. It was pretty awesome. We played with baby tigers and the big boys too. Fun stuff.

This week I went to Lampang on exchanges. It was way fun. E. Berbert is way funny. This is his first transfer so he is pretty new, but way hilarious. We had a good time. #thathurtstheteammoment: We were teaching these two guys off the invite and it was going great at first. We said an opening prayer and one guy said he felt the power of it. Yes. We start talking about who God is and how he helps us. I was trying to explain how with the gospel they can have more happiness than they have now, I said, "You can have more happiness than this." Then one guy says, "You're gonna need to speak clearer than this for me to understand." Ouch. Then it went downhill from there. We asked to make a return appointment. Nope. Asked for their number to call them later. No bueno. They flipped, "What do you want my number for? What if you call me and I'm outta town?" It was pretty weird. Nutshell: Trainwreck. Ironically they worked for the train station.

So Sister It, the sister that failed her interview last time, passed. She will get baptized on Friday. Go Team! Her son should interview this week and hopefully get baptized on the same day. That will be sweet. Brother Rak (translates to Brother Love) will interview on Tuesday too. So this could be a very good week.

Transfers are this week. We'll find out tomorrow if anyone is moving and if we need to go down to the meeting or not. E. Wilamas really doesn't want to move but it's likely he will. We'll see though, anything could happen.

Spiritual Business: This week we learned about Becoming. The entire mission received training on a talk by Elder Oaks from 2002 titled 'The Challenge to Become.' It is amazing. It talks about how knowing and declaring is not enough. We need to do and become. That is the purpose of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this life too, to become like Christ. If we want to go to the Celestial Kingdom we need to do the things that will help us become the type of person worthy to inherit our Father's kingdom. I gained a new perspective on things this week. Great talk. Read it.

Much Love,

Elder M. Riley Creer
The Only

After Tiger Kingdom, I'm determined to be a zoo keeper #somethingmysisterwouldsay
Thankful that I grew up in a home with nightly family prayers. #blessed #myfamilyrocks #sponsored

I tried to send 2 emails of pics and it said your email rejected them...sorry.
Dad- digestion issues are the norm in Thailand. Everyone gets hit...even the locals. #consequencesofaspicyculture

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