Tuesday, March 20, 2012

MTC 3.20.12


The MTC is still awesome. Good news: I leave in 3 weeks...from yesterday.
CRAZY! We are all super stoked to get to Thailand, mainly so we can escape the
200 square yards we have been living in for the past 2 months. It is weird to
think we have spent the last 2 months going to the same 5 buildings over and
over again. I honestly haven't been to 85% of the buildings in the MTC. I
haven't even walked all the way around it. That just hit me a few days ago,
bizarre stuff.

So on Sunday, Elder Gibbons and I taught in priesthood (the branch
presidency had some meeting). We taught on the great apostasy. So instead of
just lecturing about the great apostasy we decided to play telephone. So we had
everyone move their chairs into a circle and had one person act as the
prophet/revelation. He would check the phrase to make sure it was correct every
3 people or so. With the prophet, the phrase stayed the exact same. The next
time we took the prophet away. We started with the thai phrase "farang gin
farang plaag may?'' and ended with the english phrase "the DDR is in my
kangaroo.'' It was pretty hilarious. Somehow it made the jump from thai to
english. But it worked out perfectly. The first couple people in the circle
knew the phrase and had been learning thai for 2 months so they were like
Christ's Apostles. But the 5th person was a nccngthai and didn't completely
understand the phrase so he represented the church leaders after the Apostles
died. It was a cool little activity that really showed the importance of
prophets and revelation. We also had a sweet discussion about how the apostasy
can apply to us personally. Sometimes we think that the great apostasy was just
this event in history but it is more than that. It teaches us that if we are
not careful, our testimonies can slowly be distorted and corrupted until we fall
away from the truth. If we don't do the simple things consistently, we may be
descending back down the hill and not even know it. It is like walking up a
down escalator. If you stop walking up, you start going down. We can't take a
spiritual break and rest, if we aren't moving forward, Satan is pulling us
backward. That was kind of deep...#holleratmymetaphor.

But the MTC is seriously awesome, we learn so much everyday. Thai is still
coming. Some days I feel like I understand a ton of what other people say...and
other days I feel like a 1st grader that wandered into a college chemistry class

Thanks for all the letters and packages. They are the best.

Much Love,
Elder M. Riley Creer
The Only

#thingsIlove: Breakfast in the temple cafeteria #sublime
#realtalk When the MTC dryer doesn't dry my clothes...#PSYCH
Bro. Day "It's not who I am, it's what I do that defines me.'' #DroppinBatmanQuotesInClass
#petpeeve: When random elders from other branches come at my ties, trying to trade. #AboutToFlex #HeDoesntEvenGoHere

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