Monday, December 14, 2015

The Next 4 Days.

Finals.  They have returned.  I didn't even see them coming.  Alright.  Maybe I did.  Maybe I saw them on the syllabus back in August. But only maybe.

This semester I am in a photography class.  Artsy classes have the best final.  AKA they don't have one.  They have final projects instead, which is a blessing and a curse.  Blessing: no studying old material trying to remember stuff you sort of understood back in September.  Curse: spending way more time on a project than you would studying for a normal final.

Well this morning I presented my photo final.  What a relief that it is over.  And good thing my opinion doesn't count for my final grade because personally, I didn't think it was that strong.  My professor and class thought it was great though.  Christmas miracle.  Hallelujah.  So here it is, my project in all its glory.  The theme was adventure.  It is a series of pairs of photos, the first being a boring, everyday, non-adventurous moment, the second being an adventurous moment.  Ah, just see for yourself.

This one is a bit of a stretch, but on the left he is doing physics homework and on the right he is writing a novel. 


One final down, four to go.  Let's do this.

1 comment:

Katie said...

So awesome Rye!!! Love it!