Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Just Call Me Hipster

Last week I was hit with this insane desire to get an old camera.  I'm talking old school.  I'm talking film.  So instead of doing my homework I googled camera shops.  Then I went on a frigid adventure to find this shop and get the deets on old cameras.  Five minutes before I would've turned into a human popsicle I found it.  I wandered inside and started asking questions.  The woman working there started using terms and lingo that she assumed I knew.  Well I didn't.  I think she could tell I was the novice of all novices because she started to dumb it down for me.  I left the shop to do some research but prepared to spend $100 on an old film camera.  Like all responsible adults about to make a drastic financial decision, I called my mom first.  She is a saint and told me she can give me her old camera that she took on her mission to Hong Kong 30 years ago a number of years ago.  At first I was skeptical.  Did it have the right vintage look?  Was it hipster enough?  My dear mother reassured me with some pics of the beauty.  It was a Canon AE-1.  I was convinced.  It was perfect.  I wanted it.  Bad.

Days after acquiring my new toy, some friends and I went to Vegas for a friend's mission homecoming.  What a perfect maiden voyage for my new hipster camera right?  So after giving the wonderfully illustrated Getting Started pamphlet a once over and arming myself with 4 rolls of cheap film that I picked up at CVS, I was ready.

So here are the photos from my first endeavor into film photography.  Now you may see some shots that are blurry or mega dark.  Don't go thinking that I had no idea what I was doing.  All of these shots were meticulously composed and captured...Psych! Truth is I had no idea what I was doing.

I call these shots: Dark Knight Rising

These I call: The Transporter(s)

And these are titled: What the?!
Alternate title: Amateur Hour

Alright, some of them were actually decent.  Here they are.
I call 'em: The Goods


So there you have it.  My next adventure will be in B&W so stay tuned.

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