Monday, January 14, 2013

Nongkhai 1.14.13

Hello Family,

 Anyway, this week was pretty epic.  We began teaching S. Muay's daughters.  Teaching them is pretty fun, we have to find ways to make the doctrine really simple and entertaining.  We have a sweet activity planned tonight for the Plan of Salvation.  I'm #lowkey stoked!  We also began teaching a member's husband who recently had a miraculous recovery from some disease.  He is pretty stellar.  He is a little hard to understand though...he is still recovering and hasn't regained full use of his tongue yet.  He has wicked desire to follow Christ though (paradox?).  He says Buddhism hasn't helped him at all compared to the prayers of his wife.  Yeah.  Prayers work.

Saturday.  Miracle on Walking Street (sly allusion to a Christmas movie I've never seen).  We had planned to set up a table at the walking street (a market where vendors come and set up stands and loads of people walk up the street buying stuff).  Problem 1: We didn't have a small portable table.  Problem 2: We didn't know if the Crazy Officials of Walking Street (Cows for short) would even let us set up a table.  We made plans to fix the problems before Saturday.  We didn't (aka we forgot).  So Saturday morning we were a little doubtful that it would work.  But we called a member about a table.  She had one we could use.  Money.  We still didn't know if we could do it, but we decided to try anyways.  We called up some members to come help us pass out flyers and man the table and went for it.  We found some empty space, set up our table and started passing out all sorts of business.  Then the Cows came.  Oh no.  The first cow said we couldn't have a table there.  Nuts.  So we started gathering our table when a Bull came up and told us about an empty slot we could use.  Saved by the Bull (no pun intended).  So we moved to the new spot.  It wasn't there.  Luckily we found a guy who had some extra space on his slot and let us set up there.  Blessed!  Then we passed out every flyer we had.  It was sweet.  English Class should be a zoo tomorrow.  Whatup.  The best part of the night was when E. ชัด locked our bikes up.  I was waiting for him about 10 yards away and could only see his head over the cars.  He asked me if I had my key because he didn't have his.  I did.  So I said yes.  So he locked our bikes and we went on our merry way to walking street.  When we came back I got my key out of my pocket as we walked to the bikes.  I didn't have it.  Psych.  Yeah I did.  But E. ขัด used the wrong lock.  He locked our bikes with his lock...and he didn't have his keys.  He felt like an idiot.  It was hilarious.  So we borrowed the other elders' bikes and went home for the key.  He asked if I had my key and then locked the bikes with his own lock.  Classic.  #spacecadetmoment

Well life is good.  Choose the right.  Stay classy.

Much Love,

Elder M. Riley Creer

12 letter week.  #holleratyourboy!  #muchosgracias
When your district leader hides your letters before you see them...#yousneakymom

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