Monday, June 4, 2012

Khon Kaen 6.4.12

Hey family.

This is Riley...I mean Elder Creer.

This week was sweet. First off, a story from last P-Day. We went to Central Plaza (the giant mall) and got lunch. E. Warren and Olive wanted to eat at Sizzler but E. Grover and I wanted Pizza company. Luckily they are right next door. We even had a pizza member card that gave us a free pizza, #nowyouretalkin. The plan was for E. Grover and I to go in to Pizza Company and order to go then go next door and eat with E. Warren and Olive. We figured they might be a little annoyed that we were eating Pizza Company in their restaurant but we decided they'd let it pass since we were farangs. So everything was going great until the pizza people wouldn't give us the buy 1 get 1 free deal. E. Grover wouldn't have it, the whole reason we were eating there was to get the amazing deal. So we left and went next door. We related our frustrating story to the other elders and it turns out you only get the deal if you call and order the pizza and then go pick it up. So with some encouragement from the E. Warren and Olive, E. Grover called Pizza Company and talked to the same employee who already denied us the discount and ordered 2 pizzas. Then when the pizzas were done we went to pick them door. It was pretty funny, the employee seemed a little peeved that we worked the system but it was all good. So we grabbed our pizza and went next door and ate it. It was even more delicious after successfully outsmarting the pizza company employees.

Next story: Tuesday night. English class. We teach mini gospel lessons throughout English class to introduce the new students to the gospel and see if they want to learn more. So E. Grover and I were teaching them and we pulled out this kid who was about 16 and started talking to him. Then we asked him if we could pray before we start talking. He said yeah sure. So we did. Then we asked him if he knew about Jesus Christ. He said something to the effect of, "Yeah I know about him...because I'm Muslim." #Redflag. Then we asked him if it was bad that he just prayed with was. #maydaywearegoingdown. It was pretty awkward after that...we told him he can still come to English class and if he wanted to he could come to church on Sunday. Then we ended that mess before we offended anymore world religions.

This week we had an awesome lesson with this new family we are teaching. We were teaching about baptism and stuff and then the dad asks what he needs to do after he gets baptized, what rules does he need to live. So E. Warren whips out a pamphlet on the Law of Chastity. Amazingly we had practiced teaching it that morning in Companion Study, so I got to teach it. It was sweet, I was able to remember all the vocab and what not. It was cool to be able to see our studies directly affect our investigators like that, especially when we hadn't planned on teaching that. It also strengthened my testimony of the Gift of Tongues, there is no way I was able to remember the words for abortion and homosexual relationship by myself. The family committed to live the law and also committed to be baptized in July. It was a sweet day.

Saturday. We served Sister ¹¡ (means bird). We cut her grass...with pruning shears and a machete thing. Apparently Thailand doesn't have lawn mowers. Mom, You always joked about having us cut the lawn with those shears...well now I can say that I did. It took forever. I would have jumped for joy to have our Amish mower that I always complained about, we would have been done in a quarter of the time. It was cool though, she made us breakfast too. Well using the term breakfast is not completely accurate. In Thailand they don't eat breakfast foods, they just eat the same thing they eat for lunch and dinner. So we ate rice with this pineapple pork stuff...for breakfast.

Sunday. None of our investigators came, #nuts. Testimony meeting. This older sister gets up to share her testimony (background info: my first Sunday in Thailand, she said hello to me and talked to me for a little bit. After she left E. Pipat told me that she was crazy and really wanted to marry a farang so I should stay away from her. #ohboy). She shared some scriptures and then went on this long ramble. I don't know what she was saying but the branch presidency shut off the microphone on her...twice. It was #lowkey crazy. Maybe it is a good thing none of our investigators came. After church we went and met Boonpang (who was supposed to go to church) and talked to him. He is the man. He quit drinking coffee this week. We taught him the word of wisdom on Tuesday I think and he hasn't drank it since! He is an allstar. But we found out that he works two jobs. He works all night at one job and then all morning at another job and sleeps during the afternoon before going to work again at night. He gets 4 or 5 hours a sleep a day...that's it. The cool part is that he still makes time to meet with us 3 times a week!

I have a great family. I have a great life. Everything is good. We are so blessed to have the knowledge we have, that there is a plan and that Christ is the center of that plan. Heavenly Father sure does love us. That I know for sure.


Elder M. Riley Creer
The Only

#Thatawkwardmomentwhen you pray with a muslim kid. #thathurtstheteam
Got a package and all the letters for the house this week. #BESTDAYEVER
I love doing landscaping #Reppinmyheritage
Killed a tiger this week...with my bear hands. #truestoryijustmadeup

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