Thursday, June 5, 2008

Soccer is better...

Which do you think looks cooler?

Yesterday, I was at a friend's house (yes, i have friends) for an end of school party and we started talking about sports and how dance and cheer aren't sports. Since most of the females that were there were dancers or on cheer the discussion was getting pretty heated. Then this bloke has the audacity to say that soccer is lame. That is false. He obviously doesn't understand the true game of soccer and therefore made a false conclusion. Soccer is WAY better than taekwondo (his "sport" of choice). I've done both, I acheived black belt status (it's overrated), and i will testify to you that soccer is the superior sport in everyway. Trying to say taekwondo is better than soccer is like saying a typewriter is better than a laptop.


Unknown said...

nice blog

I wish good luck to you
Come to my blog

Katie said...

i think that you are totally bashing tae kwon do... i loved it! and I loved soccer. Soccer is better for long term, but tae kwon do is good while you are a kid because you learn to be confident!

Anonymous said...

Dude Riley! I was there and i'm still on your side. Soccer kicks tae kwon do where it hurts! Track and Cross Country are sports to!

jeremy said...

way to go and stand up man. and i've got your back about cheer not being a sport!