Friday, February 15, 2008

I Got My Permit!

Yesterday I got my permit! Exciting huh?! Look at that face, it doesn't get much more happy than that. I also went driving for the first time yesterday. It wasn't so good :( First of all I thought my dad would drive to the church parking lot and then let me take over from there but nooo way jose!! My dad has another idea, he wants me to back out of the driveway and drive the whole way there! He is loco!!! I've never driven before! How am I supposed to back out of the driveway??? Did I mention it's night too? Despite all this i successfully got the car out of the garage and onto the road. Getting to the church was even more intense, as we approach the turn in to the parking lot my dad says "don't turn keep going straight." At this point I'm shaking in my boots, all I want to do is practice driving in the nice, quiet, EMPTY church parking lot but nooooo my dad wants me to drive around the block. At first it wasn't so bad, there weren't too many cars so I wasn't freaking out yet, but then we come up to a busy intersection and my dad tells me to turn right. I get in the right lane and turn on my blinker and then remember i'm still going forty, I try to slow down before turning but don't slow down enough. I take the corner going way too fast and veer into the other lane. Luckily there wasn't a car in the lane or else I'd be in mucho trouble. To top off the night I also mistaked the gas for the break and ran over a curb in the church parking lot taking out a small shrubbery in the process. When we get home my dad asks me if he could pull it in the garage, I'm thinking oh thanks Dad that's a nice confidence booster, you think I'll forget to stop or something! After that very hairy first driving adventure I have come to the conclusion that driving is SCARY and not for the faint of heart!


Barb said...

It is probably a good thing you were not driving with your mother...she would have been screaming!

Don and Kelley said...

Good job Riley. I got mine today to. After your story, I'm terrified!